Communication and Knowledge Management Advisor job at Thornsoft International Ltd

Job Description
About CARE
CARE International is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We put women and girls in the centre of our work because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. CARE has been working in Uganda since 1969 and we work across all the regions of Uganda. The goal of our 2021-2025 business plan is to reach 10 million people, through our lifesaving and gender transformative humanitarian, development, and nexus programs. We are committed to working with government, private sector, and local civil society, especially women-led and women’s rights organisations. Our annual portfolio is $15 million, funded through a diverse range of donors.

The CAtalyzing Strengthened policy aCtion for heAlthy Diets and resiliencE (CASCADE) is…

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