14 Community Linkages Facilitators job at Infectious Diseases Institute

General Summary
The primary role of the Case workers is to provide support to partner Sub county based Project Officers in respective districts, community development office (CDO) and community structures; Para-Social Workers (PSW), SINOVUYO Facilitators, ECD Facilitators in the areas of linking the community and facilities to guarantee effective referrals and HIV cascade. This position will ensure the technical and methodological soundness of referrals and linkages activities for HIV positive beneficiaries, members of index households, community structures and other platforms that are part of the project implementation. The Case Workers will be based at High Volume Facilities with majority of project beneficiaries to strengthen community-facility-facility-community linkage for OVCs, youth and Caregivers and improve layering of health, HIV&AIDS access and uptake of services to achieve PEPFAR 90-90-90 (Uganda 95-95-95) UNAIDS goals.

Key Responsibilities
• Works with all OVC community structures including District Based Teams, (RHITES) and PSWs…

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