Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) Manager job at Health Access Connect

Job Summary
The MEAL Manager oversees M&E Strategy and works with HAC staff and partners to collect relevant data, compile data into the HAC database, analyze data, report on progress toward targets, publish articles in academic and media publications, and assist in the submission of grant applications. The job will be based in Kampala with regular field visits to program sites in the Central, East Central, and Western regions.

Background on HAC
The mission of Health Access Connect is to link remote communities to healthcare. HAC currently pursues this mission through three programs:

1. Medicycles: We use microfinance boda bodas to bring Ugandan government health workers to set up one-day mobile clinics in remote villages. In those clinics health workers give HIV testing, anti-retroviral treatment, immunizations, perinatal services, family planning, and many other services available in rural health centres. HAC is beginning the implementation of a…

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