Key Responsibilities:
Capacity building of staff and any other Co-partner that WV will work with in the program and response to promote the local capacity.
• Train and strengthen capacity of WVU project staff, mainstream project partners, Community based facilitators, volunteers and community structures, environment committees, VSLA group members on gender and disability inclusion in food programming.
• Capacity building of programme staff, community structures, environment committees, VSLA group members and co-partner that WV will work with due to the Grand bargain (localization agenda) and key stakeholders on protection, and Gender, Adult and child safe guarding, PSEA.
• Responsible for delivery of gender equality and social inclusion training to project staff
• Develop and facilitate gender, protection and disability inclusion components in training materials, distribution messages, dissemination meetings and other project tools and resources including PDM and other assessment tools.
• Ensure accessibility of gender, protection and disability inclusion IEC materials developed for the food assistance program and other programs within the response.
Mainstreaming gender, protection and disability inclusion activities in field implementation.
• Ensure mainstreaming of gender, protection, disability and social inclusion in livelihood and Resilience program implementation during and after distributions and ensure all GBV, PSEA including Adult and child safeguarding issues are handled on time, referrals done with follow ups to make sure all cases are closed.
• Conduct regularly gender, protection and disability analysis, community mapping and safety audits to identify and address access and financial barriers to children’s’ and community’s protection need in the program and other projects within the response.
• With support from the Programme Manager, formulate key gender, protection and disability messages and targets from lessons learned, assessments, research and evidence gained through project implementation.
• Ensure peacebuilding and peaceful cession in integrated in the project life cycle.
Reporting, risk and budget management.
• Ensure timely and quality report program submitted to the project Manager timely. These include but not limited to weekly, monthly, quarterly, training, field monitoring visits and end of project reports.
• Support in documentation and sharing of impact/success stories and best practices to promote learning.
• Work with project Manager, project coordinator, Food Assistance Officer & MEAL Office/Coordinator to compile and submit timely quarterly and annual project reports.
• Monitor and manage the protection specific budget in the program will ensuring spending within scope and on time.
• Quarterly update and track protection related risks and ensure adequate controls are implemented to reduce impact on the program.
Networking and engagements at Zonal, settlement level and sector specific technical working groups
• Represent World Vision Uganda at the monthly & quarterly gender based violence and child protection working groups hosted by UNFPA, UNHCR, UNDP and UNICEF and protection partners and sector at settlement, district and national level to share progress, challenges and appropriate follow up plans.
• Coordination with protection partners and CP staff to plan field activities or referrals for cases at FDPs.
• Participate in and be part of the Gender community of practice in WVU. participate in periodic GEDSI CoP
• Coordinate and work with WFP in gender, protection and disability related assessments, baselines, surveys.
Gender Assessments and program design and budgeting.
• Carry out partner’s capacity assessments for partners and continuous monitoring assessments during implementation.
• Support in gender, protection and disability inclusion assessments within the program/response.
• Ensuring that all proposals being designed within the response are gender and disability inclusive.
• Support in gander, protection and disability inclusion data collection, analyses and reports in KAP study, need assessments and evaluation.
Knowledge and Qualifications
• This position requires at least 5 years of experience working in child protection and gender development programming, preferably in fragile contexts.
• Additional Certificate courses in IASC Guidelines and key training packages preferred (Caring for [Child] Survivors of Sexual Violence, psychological First Aid in Emergencies, CPiE Minimum Standards, and GBV IMS, International Humanitarian & Human Rights Law Foundations, etc), is an added advantage
• Familiarity with key international standards for humanitarian work (e.g. CP Minimum Standards, Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct, SPHERE, and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard, etc.)
Work Hours: 8
Experience in Months: 60
Level of Education: Associate Degree
Job application procedure
More Information
- Salary Offer 100000 - 5000000 USD 100000 - 5000000 Month
- Address Rhino Camp, Rhino Camp, Rhino Camp, Uganda