Job: Consultant to Develop the UBF Investment Strategy
Commencement Date: 15th June 2021
Expected Duration of Assignment: Not to exceed 7 Person Days
Languages Required: English
1. Background
The Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund, also known by its brand name Uganda Biodiversity Fund (UBF) is a private trust fund whose mission is to serve as a catalyst for mobilising, managing, and channelling financial resources for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Uganda. UBF provides a mechanism through which the private sector, development partners, foundations, and individuals can contribute money, for wise investment to provide long‐term funding for biodiversity conservation in Uganda.
UBF’s Development Goal for 2017- 2022 is to be a credible source of funding for biodiversity conservation and natural resources management in Uganda. This goal is delivered through three Development Objectives:
1. To build UBTF credibility and capture a niche in the biodiversity conservation and Natural Resources Management arena.
2. To build UBTF capacity to deliver its Mission.
3. To mobilize and avail financial and other resources.
2. Overall Objective of the Assignment
In line with objectives 2 and 3 as stated above, UBF desires to build its investment portfolio to improve its sustainability rating. The organisation is therefore seeking a consultant who will assist in development of a Sustainable Financial Investment Strategy.
3. Requested Services
Under the overall supervision of the Executive Director, theSustainable Investment Consultant is required to steer the development of a strategy that will include agreeing on a set of principles designed to help UBF achieve its financial and investment goals. The strategy produced will guide organisational decisions based on goals, risk tolerance, and current and future needs for capital. The Consultant will lead in performing the following tasks:
a. Formulating a clear, precise investment objective that considers factors such as level of
income or capital growth to be achieved, and for what purpose, taking into consideration
UBF’s risk appetite.
b. Conducting an assessment and providing advice and guidance on investment products and services suited to UBF and propose the best suitable investment option, building a business case for sustainable and responsible investment in the context of Conservation Trust Funds (CTFs). The consultant shall table diversified asset classes aimed at protecting UBF against underperformance in any one asset class and propose how much of the portfolio to have in each of the asset classes. The consultant should propose the types of investments that should be made, and those that should not be put under consideration, giving the reasons why.
c. Identifying the appropriate investment timeframe putting into consideration UBF’s capacity to ride out any market downturns, and so opting for higher risk / higher return profiles weighted against the need to take a more cautious approach.
d. Identifying the risks to the investment strategy, and how such risks should be mitigated. Risk management is one of the most important steps when establishing the investment strategy. The consultant is therefore required to include a Risk Management Plan within the Investment Strategy.
e. Providing back up information to be put into consideration in making the investment
decisions, and proposing they type of professional assistance that will be required from time to time. This should include a compilation of case studies based on existing investment best practices applied by CTFs in Africa and elsewhere
The consultant will produce a strategy that is well balanced between conservative investments that are low risk focusing on protection of UBF’s funds and highly aggressive investments that seek rapid growth and capital appreciation. The consultant will propose a Portfolio for a wide range of assets that can be held and managed internally, or manged by an investment manager or financial advisor, giving the advantages and disadvantages of taking either position.
4. Expected Deliverables
A Sustainable Investment Strategy in line with the ToR and as approved by the Board of Trustees.
5. Required Competencies
The expert must have:
1. Proven experience in investment planning or financial organizational development, particularly in the context of biodiversity conservation trust funds.
6. Timing and Logistics
The Consultant is expected to work from their own offices but with a lot of interaction with UBF staff and its Board of Trustees. The consultant should be ready to interact with the Committee of the Board in an inception meeting on June 24, 2021. The final output shall be delivered to UBF by Close of Business on July 29, 2021.
7. Application Procedure
Interested candidates should send their technical (maximum 2 pages) and financial (½ page) proposals, and a detailed CV of no more than four pages, to the email below, no later than Close of Business on 4th June 2021.
More Information
- Salary Offer 0-ush50000000 USD 0-ush50000000 Month
- Address Kampala, Kampala, Uganda